August 22, 2011

garden party! (link up)

Please join me in a little garden party!

leave a comment with a link to your garden's latest doings post or just a comment!

we're harvesting a lot of good stuff these days.

a few jems.

eggplant is such a beautyful thing to grow.

a green jem

some butternut jems

all kinds of these lushious beauts.

that wheat I "thinned" from a crop this spring! Its a nice thing to have in the garden
as a symbol of the pioneers of Saskatchewan.

I've never been successful at this before, but its looking good this year!

Costata Romanesco zuchinni - a nice heirloom variety.

and then there's the brassicas.

I learned about the cabbage moth when the garden was new. well, that was one thing!

despite the little white moth turning the brassica's leaves into fishnet stockings,

my broccoli did great. we had loads of it! Cabbage too.
the kale wasn't able to make it

BUT. now its the dreaded flea beetle! they're the new brassica killer.

completely infested my broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, kale and cabbage.
So i had to pull them all out.

poor brussel sprouts. wasn't able to salvage.

I did save this beast tho!

In my family, when you harvest a cabbage, its time for...

(an old passed down recipe HERE...)

this pile of veggies means borsht:

and a sneaky hand going in for a veggie swipe!!

do you have a battle with any garden pests this year? any organic remedies?

what are you cooking with your garden's fruits?

happy harvesting!


Shannon said...

Hi there!
We've got a lot of squash and tomatoes going here. Here's a link from a recent post:
I love your blog! Looks like you guys are going to be eating well!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a garden like yours. We live in a small apartment with a dark dark dark patio... Booo... We planted a few tomatoes this year and basil. Someday, maybe I'll be able to make a super tasty soup with my garden's veggies :)

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